Fundraising events 2006

Krispy Kreme Doughnut Competition

In July 2006 the ACT CHSNI participated in the Canberra Icon competition at the opening of the Krispy Kreme Doughnut store at Westfield Woden.

The ACTCHSNI were required to make an icon of Canberra using the Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. The ACTCHSNI came third on the day.

Firstly a big thank you to Fiona Brown for entering our association into the competition, Katherine, Leanne, Therese, Jessica and Joe for creating the Icon of Canberra, and to Cody’s cousins who won the points for cheering.

Photos from the Krispy Kreme Doughnut competition »

Trivia Night

On Friday the 31st of March 2006 the ACT CHSNI hosted a Trivia night at the Italo Australian Club in Forrest.

Both the ACT CHSNI Committee and Cody’s parents, Darren and Sonia, were overwhelmed with the response to the Trivia night. Approximately 340 tickets were sold for the event and it was fully booked.

Thanks to all those who attended and to those who participated in the raffles and auctions on the night. Thanks to the key people from each table for rounding up friends and family to attend this event. Special thanks must go to the Canberra Times Newspaper for covering Cody’s story, spreading the word to the Canberra community about the ACT CHSNI and the disability we support, and for advertising the ACT CHSNI Trivia Night. As a result of the article published in The Canberra Times on the 6th of March 2006, the Trivia night was a huge success. Darren and Sonia are very touched at the overwhelming response from the Canberra community.

As a result of ticket entry, raffles, auctions and donations the ACT CHSNI target was met, and Cody will now be able to get his Hart Walker and the Sheppard family will also be able to do some minor home renovations to accommodate Cody’s needs.

A special thanks to Isobel and Paco Leal from CROWN Kitchens & Joinery for their generous offer to coordinate the internal home renovations which includes the kitchen and for obtaining the donation of $15,000 worth of kitchen appliances.

The ACT CHSNI would like to especially thank the Italo Australian Club. They were so wonderful and proactive during the planning of the event and on the night. The staff were exceptional and willing to assist when needed. The club made a generous donation to the ACT CHSNI, helping us reach our goal target and they also provided the delicious catering on the night.

Trivia night Feedback

Sonia, Darren and all of those committed committee members.

Congratulations to you all for hosting such a wonderful night. The atmosphere at the Italo Australian Club on Friday night was amazing and can only be attributed to the love and care that radiates from the hardworking family and friends of Cody. We were very impressed and touched by the participation of so many family members and thought Cody’s cousins were awesome. Sonia you are an inspiration to everyone and I hope that the night has opened many more doors for you, Cody and Darren.

My fellow team members and I thoroughly enjoyed the night and believed it to be a very well organized event. I hope you have raised heaps of money to ease the path for your family in the future and wish you continued success with future fundraising efforts. If there is anything I am able to contribute to this worthy cause then I am very willing.

Congratulations again

Love and best wishes
Maree Forman


Dear Sonia,

Darren and everyone that participated in organizing Cody’s’ trivia night. Thank you for a fantastic evening!! We all had an amazing night, thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, learnt something new and were proud to participate in such an event. Everyone that contributed deserves congratulations and high praise. I would particularly like to mention the involvement of the kids. They put in a superb effort – good work guys!!!

Again, thank you and congratulations on a wonderful evening. We hope that it was everything that you hoped for.

Love Michelle and Ruth


Hoy you sheila's,

great night Saturday! Best trivia night I've been to. Brilliantly organized, great M.C. Bloody great all 'round. I hope the reason we were there was fulfilled! I'd be surprised if we didn't reach the minimum target.

Anyway, thanks for including us, and very best wishes for the future.

David Preston & friends.


Hi Sonia,

Thanks so much for your email, and for a really great night on Friday. I understand completely about running out of time and being side tracked. You and Darren did an amazing job, and your speeches were both moving and inspirational.

I was actually going to email you to ask that you let me know about any future fund raising events you are organizing, as I would love to help out with selling tickets, collecting donations etc. And of course, rounding up people to go to wonderful events like the trivia night!

Thank you,

Trivia Night Photos

A selection of photos from the Trivia Night »

Trivia Night Speeches

Darren and Sonia Sheppard Speech (PDF, 22K)

Isobel Leal and Chereta Speech (PDF, 20K)

Thank you for your support

The ACT CHSNI thanks the following businesses within the ACT, West Wyalong and Crookwell region who supported the Trivia Night by either donating prizes or by financially supporting the ACT CHSNI. We encourage you to support the following businesses:

Previous fundraising activities